Our Blog

By: Brady Essmann

Dear Parents of Graduating Seniors,

Over the course of your student’s collegiate career, Gonzaga University has been developing him or her for a life of service and leadership for the common good. Called to be men and women for and with others as part of our Jesuit heritage, Gonzaga students come to exemplify this integral component of our core values through committing to post-graduate service.

Due to the wonderful influence of you, as parents, and the thirst for social justice strengthened throughout their educational career, many students in the graduating class of 2014 have intentionally chosen to pursue a path of service to share their time, talents and abilities in solidarity with the poor and marginalized.

If your student is among these, the University would like to cordially invite you to the Annual Social Justice Missioning Ceremony on Friday, May 9th at 4:00 pm.  The ceremony will take place in the Student Chapel on the third floor of College Hall, with a reception immediately following in the Herak Club Room for honorees and their guests.

Your student’s leadership and intrinsic passion to “go forth and set the world on fire” serves as a true testament to the heart of Gonzaga’s Mission Statement for its students, “fostering a mature commitment to the dignity of the human person, social justice, diversity, intercultural competence, global engagement, solidarity with the poor and vulnerable, and care for the planet.”

Thank you for supporting your student as they serve as an exemplar of one who allows their passion to align with professionalism in attempt to address the world’s greatest needs, being a voice for those who have been silenced, a hand for those who need companionship, and a heart for those who have lost faith.

We look forward to seeing you during Commencement Weekend!


Brady Essmann
Post-Graduate Service-Learning Fellow
Center for Community Action and Service-Learning
Gonzaga University

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