Welcome to Zag Nation. Your Student Belongs Here.
By: Colleen Vandenboom, Director SIL
We in the Department of Student Involvement and Leadership (SIL) are dedicated to empowering your student to create and partake in experiences, which foster learning and development, preparing them to be a leader in their community and an engaged-citizen of the world. We do this by providing and supporting a myriad of opportunities for students. SIL is home to 130+ Student Clubs and Organizations, the Gonzaga Student Body Association (GSBA), the Graduate Student Council (GSC), Gonzaga Outdoors and The Payne Center for Leadership. From our name you can tell, we are about involvement.
Why does involvement matter? Your student’s academic success is our number one priority and we will support that. But it’s also important to know how becoming involved in activities outside of the classroom can benefit your student. In fact, research has shown that involvement in campus activities (e.g. student government, student clubs, leadership trainings, outdoor programs and service programs) can result in a stronger sense of belonging and satisfaction on campus, higher graduation rates, higher self-esteem/self-awareness, increased intellectual development and even career preparation (Sources: Astin, 1984, Erwin & Marcus-Mendoza, 1988; Guido-DiBrito & Batchelor 1988; Cooper et al., 1994; Romano, 1996; Sermenrsheim, 1996; Eklund-Leen & Young, 1997 Sutton & Terrell, 1997; Hernandez et al., 1999; Kuh et al., 2000).
What can you do to help? We know it’s scary to trust us with your most beloved gift, but we promise to do our best to help them find their place and have a wonderful experience. In order to maximize success, we need your help in two areas. The first is, help us encourage your student to branch out and go to events. At the beginning of the school year, we will host many events to help your student get acclimated. Here are just a few: Club Fair Friday, September 11 (this event features our 130+ clubs and club sports), Get Involved Sessions (these weekly sessions focus on an area that our Zags are involved (e.g. Arts, Sports, Service, Spiritual Health and Wellness) and SpikeNites. Every Friday and Saturday night from 10pm-2am, we will blow-up Hemmingson Center with a weekend programming series called SpikeNites. SpikeNites will feature a movie in the auditorium, a large event like a dance or concert in the ballroom, arts and crafts on the main floor and a videogame tournament on the 2nd floor. By getting out of their rooms and meeting new people your student will begin to find their place at GU.
This is where our second ask comes in. We need you to help your student be patient with himself or herself. Moving to a new city with a new school and new friends can be overwhelming for anyone, and sometimes it takes a little bit to feel at home. We know that getting out and meeting people will absolutely speed-up your student’s acclimation process, but students have to be patient. You can help your student transition by encouraging them to get involved and even slowly weaning off your communication with them- eek! We know it’s hard, but the more you are talking with them, the smaller chance they have to connect with their new friends and classmates.
We are all dedicated to helping your student succeed, we are confident that Gonzaga will be an amazing experience for them where they feel they belong. Help your student start getting involved today, by encouraging them to check out involvement opportunities on Zagtivities www.gonzaga.edu/zagtivities (our on-line web portal for students).
Congratulations parents and families and welcome to Zag Nation! Best wishes, The Student Involvement and Leadership Team.