Freshman – Academics 101
Summer is here! While you’re away feeling the sand beneath your toes, we’re hard at work preparing for the arrival of your students. The advisors in the Office of Academic Advising & Assistance (formerly Academic Services) have been in communication with your incoming student regarding their course selection for fall courses, and we’ve just about wrapped up the process. The following is a brief summary of what’s still to come in the scheduling process: Scores from Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate exams will arrive, and schedules will be given a final review by advisors, with any changes due to credit, made.
August 1st, schedules will be cleared for viewing by your student. We’ll send them download instructions via e-mail, as well as a host of helpful information to read through.
If your student (or you have questions about the schedule, advisors in Academic Advising & Assistance (AAA) will be available to answer them in the days and weeks leading up to your on-campus arrival. We will be available for scheduling inquiries, as well as* schedule change requests made by the student (we do need to speak with your student for any changes requested), beginning August 2nd through the 19th, and again during New Student Orientation. For more information about schedule changes, including contact information, please visit our website at and click on Schedule Changes.
Once the schedules are set and your student is ready to open their books, what resources are available to them to ensure their opportunity for success? How can you help them be successful in their coursework? Find answers to these questions and more by attending our parent sessions, Academic Success 101, on Saturday, August 27th. Look for information in the parent section of the New Student Orientation schedule when you arrive. We wish you continued blessings this summer as you spend time with your soon-to-be college student. We are so excited to finally meet you and your student next month!
*When your student gets their schedule, we encourage you to hold off buying textbooks. Your student may request changes to their schedule, which can impact more than one course, and therefore the books required, as these vary from professor to professor for many courses. The same notion holds true for booking flights home for breaks, as these schedule changes can also have an impact on the final exam schedule.