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The value of a college education is not measured by a piece of a paper. Nor is education limited to classrooms or books. The skills required to be effective in the professional world — and life, for that matter — are often developed on the job. Dedication, sacrifice, teamwork — Gonzaga students learn the importance of these, and other skills, while working at Telefund.

On most weekday evenings during the school year, Gonzaga Telefund callers are hard at work contacting you and other parents, alumni and friends of the University. In addition to managing their course load, student callers work two three-hour shifts per week and one weekend shift per semester. Each year, people answer their call by pledging over $800,000 to benefit a multitude of areas on campus, including vital student scholarships.

Besides earning much-needed financial aid, student callers learn tangible skills sure to benefit them throughout their professional and personal lives, such as articulation, negotiation and communication skills, rapport building, confidence and teamwork. Student callers also discover the importance of donor support as well as myriad programs and opportunities that exist on campus only because of the generous support of loyal alumni, parents and friends of the University.

Students who have worked for Telefund are quick to recognize the value of this work experience. Caitlin Wilkinson, a senior Spanish major, says, “Telefund has taught me how to be a positive advocate for a university that I love. By providing me with effective communication skills, I now feel confident in my persuasion abilities and can continue to connect with other members of the Zag family.

“And I never forget to smile while I dial,” she added.

Mitch Wright, a junior majoring in political science, agrees. He feels his time at Telefund has “helped my fundamental business skills and conversational habits to help me not only be more confident in my customer relations, but to be comfortable in dealing with any situation in the professional setting. Whether it’s sales, customer service or everyday conversations, Telefund gave me the skills to handle the situation.”

Jana Wolff, Annual Campaign Program Manager, says “every day these students come in prepared to work hard; overcome objections; develop great relationships with parents, alumni and friends and connect them with important information, including fun events and resources campus-wide.”

The Gonzaga Telefund students are in full swing, calling primarily on Monday to Thursday evenings from 6-9 p.m., Pacific Time. Make sure and ask your caller for updates about Gonzaga’s 125th Anniversary events and service projects for parents! If you have any questions about Telefund or would like to learn more, please contact Jana Wolff at wolff@gonzaga.edu or (509) 313-6378.

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