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Soon, you might receive a call from the Gonzaga Telefund and it will be a real Zag on the other end of the line. A dynamic student team works nightly throughout the academic year calling on parents, alumni and friends of the University. Each year we ask all Zag parents to be involved in Gonzaga’s Annual Campaign.

As parents, you have a unique understanding of the cost and benefit of a Gonzaga education. Current students are our best advocates! More than 95 percent receive some form of financial aid based on academic merit or financial need. And tuition does not cover the full cost of a Gonzaga education. Students see the impact. They grow in faith. Faculty inspire them. They serve others.  They choose careers.

This year, our student fundraisers have a goal to raise more than $700,000 from parents, alumni and friends. Gifts of all sizes are critical: Your collective generosity adds up to big support.

Why give?

Your contribution immediately enriches the Gonzaga experience for all students. Philanthropic support allows us to:

  • Responds to emerging needs;
  • Enroll outstanding students regardless of their financial circumstances;
  • Attract and retain the finest faculty;
  • Build and restore state-of-the-art living and learning facilities;
  • Beautify our campus;
  • Expand and sustain a comprehensive range of academic programs;
  • Sustain a tradition of highly individualized education;
  • Preserve a low student-to-faculty ratio.

The Gonzaga Telefund students call primarily on Monday to Thursday evenings from 6-9 p.m. Pacific Time.  Ask your caller for updates about events and services for parents! Or, make your contribution online, right now, at www.gonzaga.edu/MakeAGift .

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