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Hello GU parents!

We are offering a Self Defense Seminar to our students and staff on Tuesday February 9th here on campus at the Cataldo Building.   International instructor will be conducting the course with our Associate Director of Campus Safety & Security.  There will be 3 one hour sessions offered and space is limited.  Please encourage your student to sign up for one of the sessions prior to Tuesday the 9th to ensure a spot!

The information given will be campus and neighborhood specific and we will be demonstrating a few tactics to help anyone get away unharmed from a compromised situation.  Many students and parents have requested a seminar such as this and we are excited to offer it!  Please encourage your student to sign up by calling Becky Wilkey at 509-313-3998 or Zoey Mdalel at 832-373-1441.  The cost is only $5.00 and if this is a hardship, we can make arrangements for payment.

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