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Dear Parents of DREAM Students,

It’s almost summertime!  It’s natural for your student to want to “veg-out” for the first couple weeks of summer.  A long semester of reading, writing, and meeting endless deadlines culminates with a number of big exams.  Your student will be beat!

As you prepare for your student to return home for the summer, encourage them to take some time to rest . . . and then start thinking about self-care.

Does your student have a medical professional or counselor they are unable to see during the school year?  Summer is a great time to take care of necessary medical appointments and maintain good relationships with counselors.

Allow your student to take a little time to enjoy the break from their studies and to have some fun!  Summer is the perfect time to catch up on sleep, enjoy BBQs, and relish in some quality time with family and friends back home.

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