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Nine out of 10 Gonzaga University students receive financial assistance and Gonzaga contributes approximately 30 percent of its operating budget to that effort. Of course, not all financial aid comes from Gonzaga. Each year, millions of dollars in aid is given to Gonzaga students in federal, state and private grants or loans.

A less well known source of funding for students is outside scholarships. This funding is awarded directly to students from sources such as private foundations, corporations/employers, churches, tribal entities, and service organizations. For example, the Robert B. McMillen Foundation, www.mcmillenfoundation.org,  offers scholarships to art students who not only have talent, merit and financial need but also want to play an active role in enhancing society through art and creativity.

Your student can access information about all kinds of scholarships by visiting the financial aid office. You can also access a new web site, www.theWashBoard.org, created by the Washington Scholarship Coalition. Your student will need to register and then create a profile to review potential scholarship matches ranked based on the number of eligibility criteria that match his or her profile.

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