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An energetic team of 30 students is bringing the campus to our Gonzaga family each evening.  Soon you will receive a call from the Gonzaga University Telefund. This dynamic student group calls parents, alumni and friends of Gonzaga to raise support for student scholarships and programmatic needs with a goal to raise more than $800,000 this academic year.

Last year nearly 30% of you made a gift to the Parent and Family Campaign. We want to honor and recognize all parents who so generously supported the University between June 1, 2009 and May 31, 2010, listed here on our giving website.

As parents, you have a unique understanding of the value of a Gonzaga education.  Gonzaga is proud to offer nearly 95% of students some form of financial aid based on academic merit or financial need.

You have an opportunity to join our family of donors in fulfilling the mission of Gonzaga by participating in this year’s Parent and Family Campaign.  The Parent and Family Campaign makes a daily difference in the lives of all students by providing opportunities in and out of the classroom that are unique to the “Zag” experience:

  • Expand and maintain a comprehensive range of academic programs
  • Build and restore state-of-the-art living and learning facilities
  • Enroll outstanding students regardless of their financial circumstances
  • Attract and retain academic leaders in diverse fields of study
  • Sustain a tradition of highly individualized, holistic education focused on our students

We hope you continue Gonzaga’s tradition of giving and participate this year in our Parent and Family Campaign by answering the call and joining other parents who help to fulfill the Jesuit mission at Gonzaga University!  On behalf of the Telefund, thank you for your support!

Amanda Oeser ‘09

Annual Campaign Program Manager

P.S.  Put your gift to use immediately and make your contribution online at www.gonzaga.edu/MakeAGift

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