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After achieving exemplary grades, assuming multiple leadership positions, and serving countless hours of service, your high school senior’s hard work has paid off with acceptance to Gonzaga University. But their engagement in leadership and/or service does not need to stop there. Gonzaga University makes a mission-led commitment to providing students opportunities for leadership development through a combination of experiential learning and traditional academics.

Ask anyone in business or community organizations about what they feel students need to be successful after college and you will hear an all too common answer; students need to develop leadership skills. Employers and recent graduates routinely cite leadership development opportunities at Gonzaga as essential elements in helping prepare them for future careers and serving their communities.

For new and current students interested in leadership development opportunities, the Leadership Resource Center (LRC), located in the Crosby Student Center, can assist your student in finding ways to get involved on campus. The LRC offers workshops to develop practical leadership skills, guest speakers, and access to a leadership library of online and print materials. Experiential learning is enhanced through real-time coaching, mentoring, and ongoing reflection with LRC staff and other community members.  For upperclassmen, the LRC can help students reflect upon and utilize their leadership experiences to prepare for life after Gonzaga. The Leadership Resource Center is the perfect location to help students, both new and returning, grow their leadership potential.  For more information, visit us online at www.gonzaga.edu/lrc or email Katie Herzog, Coordinator, Leadership Resource Center at herzogk@gonzaga.edu.


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