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Free Land: Race and Land in America

By: Ariel Luckey
November 3, 7 PM
Jepson Wolff Auditorium

Ever heard of the Homestead Act, post-slavery reconstruction programs or Indian Wars in the United States? Whether you have or not, Ariel Luckey will provide an engaging educational presentation to explore the hidden cost of FREE LAND. The campus community will be challenged to think critically about their values and role in social justice and becoming men and women with and for others.  Mr. Luckey is a nationally acclaimed poet, actor, educator, and activist.

In The Spirit of Metacom: Deconstructing Thanksgiving

By: Dr. Deirdre A. Almeida
November 9, 7 PM
Foley Teleconference Center

Gonzaga University challenges students to explore competing ideologies and think critically in preparation to expand their world view. Dr. Almeida, Director of the American Indian Studies Program at Eastern Washington University, will facilitate an interactive program with students on the history of Thanksgiving. Dr. Almeida will provide an indigenous perspective and stimulate opportunities for reflection about historical omission around indigenous genocide and English expansion. This is a valuable opportunity for you as parents to encourage your son or daughter to attend this program and would make for great conversation for the upcoming Thanksgiving break.

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