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The first year at a top-tier university can be chaotic. Your student is experiencing the daunting navigation of new friendships, new surroundings and the challenge of understanding not only where to fit in, but also where to exercise talents and gifts. For many, this is the first time they find themselves surrounded by a peer group as talented and active as they are.

The Community of Leaders invites students to engage with the leadership opportunities and community that this University has to offer. Your student is at Gonzaga because of her or his ability, talent and intellect. We want to challenge them to not go through freshman year without taking on the responsibility of contributing to this community.

Please encourage your student to join us Wednesday, December 7, from 7:30 to 8:30 in Wolff Auditorium, Jepson Hall. He or she can talk to a small group of experienced student leaders as well as listen to their stories of how they got involved and grew.

Students can then engage with different organizations that may provide a great fit and leadership opportunities. They may discover more of who they are as they build community and benefit the world.

DATE : 12/7/11
TIME: 7:30 PM
WHERE: Wolff Auditorium Jepson Hall

Leadership Resource Center, x4156, Crosby 100B

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