Our Blog

By: Bailee Neyland

Campus has come alive with the return of our students. And starting later this month, Gonzaga’s Telefund student-callers will be back at it, connecting with Zags across the country and continuing the legacy and tradition of giving at Gonzaga.

This year, Gonzaga’s Telefund priorities include the Fund for Gonzaga and the Gonzaga Scholars Program. The Fund for Gonzaga immediately direct gifts from alumni, parents and friends to three areas that most impact the quality of learning and life for all undergraduate students at Gonzaga: scholarships, student experience and faculty support. As an integral part of Gonzaga’s Jesuit, humanistic mission, the Gonzaga Scholars Program provides critical access to a Gonzaga education for talented and deserving students, regardless of their ability to pay.

On most weekday evenings during the school year, Gonzaga Telefund student-callers are hard at work contacting our generous alumni, parents and friends asking for support of the University, but that’s not all these students of all classes and majors do. This dedicated team of nearly 40 student callers and managers not only seeks to create a better future for the University, but looks to reconnect Zags to what’s happening on campus, all while gaining valuable work experience.

“Through my work with Telefund, I gained perspective about my education, holistically, that I never could have otherwise,” says last year’s manager Katie Galassi (’13). “I gained leadership skills that have carried over into my professional life.”

So when you see (509) 313-6442 on your caller ID, know that it’s a friendly student eager to talk with you. Will you answer the call?

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