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Kristie, GU Outdoors

This beautiful hike located in Liberty Lake County Park is an 8-mile loop around Liberty Lake. We will gain 1200 ft. in elevation and get to a high point of 3120 ft. This hike features a phenomenal view of the lake and gives hikers a glimpse of one of the last stands of old growth cedar in Spokane County. The timing couldn’t be better to appreciate the fall foliage and the beautiful colors that come with it. Although it is not a strenuous hike, don’t forget to bring water and a sack lunch. We will stop for a mid-day meal at a picturesque waterfall, where we can relax and enjoy the scenery.

We will provide transportation to the Liberty Lake Trail head. Sign up on Cashnet at: http://commerce.cashnet.com/guoutdoors, click on the Fall Family Hike, and enter the information for each person attending the hike. Cost is $5 per person. We will meet at Desmet Circle at 8 am, and return to campus around 2:30 pm.

Be prepared for family fun and a beautiful hike!

Experience Required: None
Easy/ Kids are welcome
8 miles
Pack Weight
: 5-10 lb daypack

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