Our Blog

By: Christine Ryman

“Why should an incoming, first-year student even THINK about a first-time visit to

Gonzaga Career and Professional Development?”

“Isn’t this Center just for Juniors or Seniors getting ready to graduate and look for jobs?”


In fact,

  1. CPD has created a Four-Year Program for professional growth and development with approachable goals and practical tasks designed for each year of college. Beginning the process as a first-year student gives a jumpstart toward the final goal, with confidence!
  1. Students can discover valuable information about their natural interests and abilities through Assessments designed to measure personality and interest. (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, The Strong’s Interest Inventory). With the help of trained CPD staff, students explore career fields that complement or apply these capacities.
  1. Every new semester there are new things to learn! CPD offers a wide range of helpful workshops, seminars and training sessions designed just for Gonzaga students.

A few examples,

  • Resumania! This noon drop-in hour, held the first Thursday of every month, offers students a chance to meet one-on-one with trained career staff and learn how to write a resume.
  • Career Fair Prep Training! “How do I begin to talk to an employer? What should I ask? How do I know which organizations are the right fit? What should I wear?” Attend this training and feel equipped for a successful experience at Career and Internship Fairs.
  • “What does it mean to give an Elevator Pitch and Network?” This workshop equips students with strong communication skills in professional-social settings, one of the most important components for success in career planning.
  • Internship 101! This weekly session introduces the most important steps in securing a meaningful internship experience. This “must-attend” training helps students consider learning goals, conduct research and build professional practices.
  • Speed-Mock Interviews! Usually held in the fall, this round-robin event links students with guest employers who pose interview questions and offer feedback! Each student experiences an interactive exchange with regional professionals.


  1. Some students think that CPD is only for help with a But did you know this department also…
  • Assists students as they discover, “What can I do with this major?”
  • Guides students in finding and preparing for a meaningful internship.
  • Connects students to conversations with Alumni and GAMP Mentors.
  • Directs students to online and other resources for professional development, internships or work abroad.
  • Supports students as they explore options and make decisions for graduate school.
  • Hosts students in annual TREKS to key cities where they visit high profile organizations and meet recruiters and alumni.
  1. Finally, first-year students who visit CPD discover an opportunity for leadership by later applying to the PRO-REP Peer-Leader Team. This well-informed and trained group assists all students with developing professional documents, and building networking and interviewing skills. While serving, PRO-REPS cultivate practices that, in turn, lead to meaningful careers.


*Career and Professional Development (CPD) is located in CROSBY, right in the center of campus. Come on by, and let’s start a conversation!

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