Our Blog

By: Deb Ellis

Taylor and Deb

Student Identity Development and Inclusion Initiatives is the new name which incorporates two centers that are an integral part of campus—the Unity Multicultural Education Center (UMEC) and the Lincoln LGBTQ+ Resource Center. We develop culturally responsive programs through campus education and awareness that empower our communities to respect, celebrate and value human difference.

We welcome all students to our centers. Students come to our centers to find a sense of belonging, to study, to talk, to relax, to engage in conversation about a recent event or program, to learn, to support, to build community. Throughout the year, we also provide opportunities and events for students to engage in learning that cultivate mindfulness and intercultural development. A few examples: the annual Diversity Monologues is a platform for student voices to share their story; “Real Talk” is an ongoing event where students discuss issues that matter to them; Cultural Awareness Night happens throughout the year and may include a movie or activity with discussion, or a guest artist/speaker may present work through their cultural lens.


In addition to our BRIDGE (Building Relationships in Diverse Gonzaga Environments) pre-orientation program, we have the LEADS (Leadership, Education, Academic Development and Success Skills) Mentoring program. This program provides a first year student with a peer mentor and a faculty/staff mentor to be a guide during their first year experience.

On a personal note, it has been an incredible privilege to be a staff mentor to a first year student who identifies as a person of color and/or first generation college student. In addition to being on staff, I’m also a parent and have appreciated being able to see firsthand the support these programs give to our students.

This year has an added level of excitement for me, as my son will begin his first year here at Gonzaga! I’m so excited for him to have the opportunity to participate in these events throughout the year. These events support the intercultural development and add to the holistic learning that is grounded in our mission. It is very important to me that my child have this be a part of his education.

As a parent, I encourage all students to come to our centers, attend our events, and build community. I have watched students over the years learn, grow, and become more aware of who they are as they have engaged in our programs and events. We look forward to meeting your student!

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