Is Your Student Planning on Studying Abroad During Their Time at Gonzaga?
Is your student planning on studying abroad during their time at Gonzaga? Has your student started to think about the application process, where they would like to go, and for how long they would like to go? These are great questions to get your student starting to think about the study abroad process no matter what year they are. Similar to many aspects of their collegiate career, students will need to take responsibility in applying and preparing to study abroad to get as much as possible out of their experience. To do this, we encourage students to take the initiative to come into our office, look at various program options on our website, and plan their study abroad with the assistance of our advisors. Taking ownership of these tasks will help your student take charge of their experience and pave the way for further personal growth. Our office will be there to guide your student through application, pre-departure orientation, studying abroad, as well as re-entry. When your student arrives/returns to campus, we look forward to seeing them in the Center for Global Engagement office.
Study abroad program applications for spring 2019 are now open!
Are you the parent of an international student or a student who is interested in getting connected with the global community at Gonzaga? Please encourage them to follow our events on Facebook or Instagram (@GonzagaCGE). Similarly, they can contact us ( to be added to our weekly list serve.