Center for Student Academic Success (CSAS): Busy as bees all summer long!
Disability Access (DA): DA has a new accommodation management system! The staff in Disability Access has been working hard this summer to bring “myDA” online. This new system is a portal for you to manage all aspects of student accommodation letters in your classroom, certain accommodations such as note taking, sign language interpreters, closed captioning, and more. (They are also working with the Academic Testing Center to integrate their system with ours.) For more information on this transition please visit the myDA page here.
Academic Advising and Assistant (AAA) : While summers may seem like a quiet time here at Gonzaga, they are in fact some of the busiest months in the Office of Academic Advising and Assistance! Advisors carefully construct schedules for each new incoming student and make any necessary adjustments during the month of August.
Schedule Changes: Some of our incoming students will be perfectly happy with their schedules, and they have nothing to change. Other students may have completely changed their minds about what they wish to study (it happens!), and they will need to change almost everything. The good news is, changes can be made in these situations, but there are some limits.
Here are the guidelines for how the advisors in AAA will help your student make changes:
- Due to course availability limitations, we cannot make changes to student schedules based alone on preference for class time or professor. As an incoming freshman, your student will very likely have early morning classes, evening classes, or a mix of it all. We did our best to schedule students according to their preferences, however, our first priority is enrolling them for courses they need that fulfill core requirements.
- If your students wants to inquire about a schedule change, or they simply have questions, please have them contact us! We would be more than happy to talk with your student by phone, email, or in person. We can only speak with the student when it comes to their schedules and academic records. If you as a parent have a question, we can answer in general terms. If they are specific questions about your student, we will ask to speak with your son or daughter.
- For more information about the registration process, first semester schedules, and/or Schedule Changes, have your student visit us on the web at
Learning Strategies Management (LSM) : For our Learning Strategists summer is a great time to reflect on the past academic year and prepare for the upcoming challenges that the beginning of every new school year brings. Summer is the time to evaluate workshops, the Learning Studio trainings and their one-on-one session strategies. They have also been working on information for the Resource Fair, taking place during orientation. Stop by their table in the Hemmingson Ballroom for more in-depth information or feel free to call LSM at 509-313-4137 with any questions. To make an appointment with a Learning Strategist please use their online inquiry form here. (You will need your GU credentials to log in.)
- The Learning Studio has been busy hiring Learning Assistants (peer tutors and mentors) and getting them trained for the Fall 2018 semester. These services will be available to all students the second week of the new semester. The Learning Studio is located on the first floor of Foley Library. Stop by and say hello!
- Workshops: Keep an eye out for available workshops as the new academic year gets under way!
As you can see we have all been as busy as bees over the summer break. Stop by any of our offices and tell us what you did this summer! Our staff would love to see you!