By: Richard Menard, Study Abroad “I’m going to Italy (or England, or Zambia)” is often overheard these days across campus. As the spring semester winds down, students are getting excited

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By: Richard Menard, Study Abroad The Study Abroad Office, with oversight from the Academic Vice President’s Office, has recently changed the financial model for sponsored study abroad programs. Gonzaga University

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By: Richard Menard It’s your student’s first semester of college, and chances are, you’ve already heard him talk about studying abroad.  You’re probably wondering, “isn’t this a little premature?  He

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By:  Richard Menard You finally got her to college, and now she has expressed a desire to study abroad in a foreign country. You may be new to the idea

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By: Richard Menard Recently, I was in Florence visiting faculty at Gonzaga-in-Florence (GIF).  In one of our meetings, the faculty questioned why the number of students coming to Florence had

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By: Richard Menard, Director of Study Abroad The thought of traveling to another country can be intimidating for some people. This can be especially true for first-time travelers. That is

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By: Dr. Ben Semple, Director of Gonzaga-in-Paris Gonzaga-in-Paris is a study abroad program for students who seek a transformative cultural and educational experience while also becoming immersed in French language

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By: Alisha Lombardi, Gonzaga-in-Florence Gonzaga-in-Florence is a study abroad experience that engages students to look outside their comfort zone and experience a different culture, and at the same time continues

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By: Richard Menard, Director of Study Abroad Oftentimes when students think of studying abroad, they think of it as an academic and cultural experience.  However, studying abroad can also increase

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Richard Menard, Director of Study Abroad Did you ever see the film “Taken” where the daughter of Liam Neeson’s character is kidnapped while exiting the Paris airport? When that movie

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