First Comes Love
Gonzaga alumnus Reilly Dooris (’15) serves poor entrepreneurs in Guatemala as executive field director of First Things Foundation. His secret: bonds forged by love.
Gonzaga alumnus Reilly Dooris (’15) serves poor entrepreneurs in Guatemala as executive field director of First Things Foundation. His secret: bonds forged by love.
During their intercultural exchange and choir tour in Zambia and Zimbabwe, the members of the Gonzaga Chamber Chorus opened their hearts to living in the moment, learning humility, exploring new lands and exchanging musical gifts.
Refugees. Conflict. Navigating resettlement for displaced people in Africa. For Gonzaga senior Ladd Serwat, it starts with humility.
By Kourtney Schott ‘18 For eight hours, 530 Gonzaga students bounced, shimmied, jived and danced their way past a $62,000 goal, ultimately raising …
Junior Sidnee Grubb wrestles with the joys and challenges of being a first-time voter during this 2016 election season and sheds light on her university’s efforts to facilitate student voting.
During a visit from actor Sabra Williams, Gonzaga leadership students learned about the power of drama to help those who are incarcerated. The Actors Gang is providing therapy, healing and humor in California prisons.
What does it mean to be silent? 2015 grad and former Gonzaga Magazine writer Eli Francovich tells us what he learned during silence in the desert and a trek through Nepal.
The Francis Youth Institute for Theology and Leadership inspires high school youth to consider vocations in theology and ministry in service to the church, the human community, and our common home. The first-ever institute took place on the Gonzaga campus this summer. Here, Megan O’Malley (’17) reflects on the experience of serving with these youth.
Dale Goodwin reflects on the undergraduate commencement messages, not from his usual perspective as Gonzaga storyteller, but from the lens of “Dad.”
Corey Tanaka, ’16, shared his lessons on time during his commencement address to the Class of 2016.