Spreading Glitter
Autism specialist, inspirational and instructional speaker, and Gonzaga alumnus Patrick Mulick says that “your attitude is like glitter – good or bad, once it’s somewhere, it’s everywhere.”
Autism specialist, inspirational and instructional speaker, and Gonzaga alumnus Patrick Mulick says that “your attitude is like glitter – good or bad, once it’s somewhere, it’s everywhere.”
“We don’t realize how sheltered we are in the U.S. We don’t realize how good we have it.”
Although there are many complexities as to why migration has become criminalized at the U.S.-Mexico border, a short week there reaffirmed my belief that – regardless of where you stand on the issue – people who are migrating are just that, people.
Students at Gonzaga know suffering deeply and hide their wounds well. “Suffering & the Soul” opened up a safe place to share, to empathize and to heal in community.
In celebration of Father Barney Coughlin’s 94th birthday, Gonzaga reflects on his 40+ years at the university.
During a visit from actor Sabra Williams, Gonzaga leadership students learned about the power of drama to help those who are incarcerated. The Actors Gang is providing therapy, healing and humor in California prisons.
Zag Staff Spotlight: Larry Perkins and Valerie Shayman receive the 2016 Outstanding Service in Support of Mission Awards
Editor Kate Vanskike responds to sentiments from readers who fear the University has lost its way.
The Francis Youth Institute for Theology and Leadership inspires high school youth to consider vocations in theology and ministry in service to the church, the human community, and our common home. The first-ever institute took place on the Gonzaga campus this summer. Here, Megan O’Malley (’17) reflects on the experience of serving with these youth.
Sarah Schwering, ’04 ’07, reflects on the power of witnessing seven men be ordained in the Society of Jesus.