April 2021

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Students pursuing the Entrepreneurship and Innovation concentration take four classes as outlined below.

All business students with one concentration take a broadening course and either an international or experiential business course. Business students pursuing an Entrepreneurship and Innovation concentration may NOT take an experiential course to meet this requirement. Instead, students pursuing an Entrepreneurship and Innovation concentration should take a broadening course and an international course. This is because an experiential course is already a part of the concentration. Students pursuing an Entrepreneurship and Innovation concentration along with another concentration do not need to take a broadening course. They must take an international course. 

BENT 490 Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

BENT 491 Creating New Ventures

One of the following:
*BENT 492 Technology Entrepreneurship
*BENT 493 Social Entrepreneurship

One of the following:
*BUSN 470 Multidisciplinary Action Projects
*BUSN 491 Startup Accelerator
*BUSN 494 Small Business Consulting
*BENT 497 Internship
*BMIS 443 Technology for Web/Mobile-Based Business

The following business courses are available during the summer sessions. More information is available on Zagweb.

First Summer Session

ACCT.360.3A140090Interm Financial Accounting IBarone,G J
BUSN.230.F0141382Business StatisticsBeqiri,M S
BUSN.489.F0241412Quantitative & Data AnalysisBeqiri,M S
BUSN.283.F0140047Business LawHackney,D D
OPER.340.F0140912Operations ManagementHedin,S R
ECON.201.F0140048MicroeconomicsHenrickson,K E
ECON.301.F0141678Intermediate MicroeconomicsHenrickson,K E
ECON.320.F0140050Economics of SportsHenrickson,K E
ECON.202.F0140127MacroeconomicsHerzog,R W
ECON.311.F0140295Global Economic IssuesHerzog,R W
BUSN.489.F0140504ST: Sustainable BusinessHickman,K A
ACCT.260.F0140094Principles of Accounting IHoag,M L
MKTG.310.F0140185Principles of MarketingKurpis,L
MKTG.417.F0140517International MarketingKurpis,L
BUSN.480.0141399Senior Seminar Business EthicsLeithauser,A D
BMIS.235.F0140947Management Information SystemsOlsen,T J
BUSN.481.F0140389Strategic ManagementPepper,M B
ACCT.263.F0140095Accounting AnalysisWeber,G J
BFIN.320.F0140042Principles of FinanceXu,D
BFIN.422.F0140044Investment AnalysisXu,D

Second Summer Session

ACCT.261.S0140105Principles of Accounting IILaw,D W
ACCT.361.3A240092Interm Financial Accounting IIMcNellis,C J
ACCT.363.10140106Cost AccountingLaw,D W
ACCT.365.3A240142Federal Taxation IWeber,G J
BFIN.327.S0140043International FinanceXu,D
BUSN.230.S0140820Business StatisticsBeqiri,M S
BUSN.283.S0140187Business LawHackney,D D
ECON.201.S0140049MicroeconomicsHenrickson,K E
ECON.202.S0140128MacroeconomicsHerzog,R W
ECON.334.S0140254Behavioral EconomicsHenrickson,K E
ECON.352.S0141380Money and BankingHerzog,R W
MGMT.350.S0140051Principles of ManagementPepper,M B
OPER.440.S0140865Global Oper & Supply Chain MgtHedin,S R

Gonzaga’s School of Business offers one-credit weekend classes to all students each semester. These classes can often serve as general electives in a student’s pursuit of a degree. Registration is open to ALL MAJORS.

To register, please call the Registrar’s Office at (509) 313-6592.

BUSN 268 Personal Financial Planning
Introduction to the fundamental principles of comprehensive personal financial planning. Class will include an analysis and evaluation of financial strategies, current topics in wealth management, and career options for financial planning.
Instructor: Steve Larsen, President, Columbia Advisory Partners
Nov. 5-6
4-10 p.m. on Friday and 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. on Saturday

BUSN 269 02 Applying Excel Skills to Real-life Business Scenarios
This course will cover the top practical Excel skills used every day in business, such as VLOOKUP, conditional formatting, pivot tables, subtotals/counts, concatenation, creating custom reports (+page setup for printing in professional format), merging data into Word/Outlook, searching for data in cells using formulas (IF/THEN concepts), merging data across workbooks, tailoring the look and feel, and general formula use and editing/customization. These hands-on lessons will include understanding the foundations of how Excel works so students can think about why/how formulas are written so they can easily re-use and make edits.
Instructor: Jenn Klein, assessment coordinator, Academic Technology Applications Support
Oct. 1-3
9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday
Nov. 5-7
9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday

BUSN 270 Work Hacks
Few people start their careers in a leadership position. Many classes focus on how to lead or to manage, but fewer focus on working in organizations. This weekend intensive class will cover topics about working and surviving in an organization. Some of the topics that will be covered include: The joy of mistakes, Working with different age groups and levels of experience, Group projects, meetings and presentations, Office foraging for information, help and snacks, Gatekeepers and bureaucracy, Tips on when to listen and when to speak up, Taking and giving criticism, Understanding different work benefits, Working with people you don’t like, and Special projects, transfers and other opportunities
Instructor: John Lyons, senior resource policy analyst at Avista
Nov. 5-7
4 – 9 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday and noon – 3 p.m. Sunday

BUSN 268 Valuation Analysis
In this class you will be part of an investment banking team analyzing a
publicly traded company using Comparative Analysis and Discounted Cash Flow Analysis. The class will focus on historical mergers and acquisitions allowing you to discern the “fair value” for your subject company. Each team in the class will submit a written report and conduct a presentation on their analysis.
Instructor: Colin Kelly, Portfolio Manager at Signia Capital Management
Nov. 12-13
4 p.m. – 9 p.m. on Friday and 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Saturday.

BUSN 268 01 Equity and Storytelling
This course seeks to inform, engage, and improve individual and collective views of equity and equality through storytelling. Utilizing pop culture references such as Star Wars and Harry Potter, students will explore their own backstories and how those relate to present beliefs, reactions, and sense-making. From this lens, the class will explore reconstructing the ideas of equity and equality in approachable and relatable ways. Authentic leadership will be discussed as a way to understand how we can use our story to positively impact those around us and society at large.
Instructor: Stephanie Elie, leadership/business consultant, SE Consulting
Nov. 13-14
9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday

BUSN 267 Business Leadership
Business leaders influence followers to use their skills and abilities to help achieve an organization’s mission. This course provides a case study of the art and science of leadership.
Instructor: Brian Newberry, CEO of Girl Scouts of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho
Nov. 20-21
9 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Sunday

BUSN 267 Nonprofit Mgmt in Holocaust Ed
This class will be taught via Zoom – instructors are in Seattle
This class will examine doing business as an educational non-profit organization. It will cover the indispensable relationship between product – in this case, educational resources —and development, including fundraising, grants, and marketing. By learning about the mission, resources and outreach of Seattle non-profit, the Holocaust Center for Humanity, students will analyze and help solve existing challenges. Such challenges include adaptation of existing programs and marketing and developing new resources.
Instructors: Paul V. Regelbrugge, professional development and curriculum coordinator, Holocaust Center for Humanity
Dec. 4-5
9 a.m.-  4:30 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m.-  4:30 p.m. Sunday

Modality is on-line

Intro to Cryptocurrency
Learn how digital currency is rapidly integrating with, and replacing, traditional finance. This class goes far beyond Bitcoin. Concepts covered include blockchain technology, digital wallets, decentralized finance, and crypto security. You will also learn how cryptocurrency could be allocated to a traditional portfolio.
• Blockchain
• Bitcoin and Ethereum
• Exchanges
• Investment funds
• Decentralized Finance
• Wallets
• Security
Instructor: Steve Larsen, President, Columbia Advisory Partners
Sept. 24-2
4-10 p.m. on Friday and 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. on Saturday
Modality is on-line

BUSN 269 01 Economics of the Side Hustle
The goal of this course is to provide students an opportunity to explore their own small business idea, non-profit organization, or a hobby that you would like to turn into a small business venture. This class will cover the economics of the side hustle project by having you select and refine your own side hustle, determine the basic cost and financing of your business idea or organization, review different pricing strategies, and help determine a strategy to launch and maintain the project.
Instructor: John Lyons, senior resource policy analyst at Avista
Oct. 1-3
4 – 9 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday and noon – 3 p.m. Sunday

BUSN 256 Sales
This course focuses on the practice of moving individuals to a different point of view. It examines the art and the science of prospering in the most competitive and potentially rewarding part of the business dynamic, moving individuals to buy a product.
Instructor: Bryan Blair, sports agent, Sports Consulting Northwest
Oct. 15-17

9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday

BUSN 267 Gender in the Workplace
This course will examine several issues of gender in the workplace including Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In movement and backlash, the intersection of race and gender, and transgender and gender non-conforming discrimination in the workplace. At the end of the course students will be able to confidently identify and discuss issues of gender in the workplace. Students also will create a strategy for navigating issues of gender in the workplace.
Instructor: Molly Pepper, Professor of Management
Oct. 1-3
4 – 9 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday and noon – 3 p.m. Sunday

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